Tuesday, January 23, 2018


I’ll start with the not so heavy part. IT SNOWED! It was sticking for a little while and I hope it continues to snow over night so we have snow tomorrow, but we got actual snow and not those little two minute flurries! I also FaceTimed my mom and saw Shay Dog!

Sorry that’s all the light spirited stuff you get for this post. The rest of this post is about what we saw today and learned about on our tour of Berlin. Our tour started before WW1 and was a brief history of that then the tour touched on WW1 but mostly the Versailles Treaty because that’s what lead up to WW2. Because there was 4 conditions to the Bersailles treaty (Germany had to pay large amounts of money, give back all the territories they invaded and claimed, limit their military severely, and claim credit for the war) the last two conditions created havoc. Cutting down a large army never goes well and the majority of them, now angry because Germany lost the war AND are now not getting paid, went and joined the Nazi party.
We followed this story through WW2 and how Hitler rose to power. We saw the parliament building he burned in order to gain control. We saw the university where students burned thousands of books that were banned. We stood on top of Hitler’s bunker (inaccessible but still in tact underground). We went to what’s left of the Berlin Wall and heard about the different stages of it as well as the SS headquarters (what’s left). We walked through a holocaust memorial, We also walked through the Nurinburg Gate we also saw the museum that Hitler gave all of his speeches out in front of and we followed the path the Nazi parades would take. And at the end we went through the Tepography of Terror museum which is the nazi museum and lays out exactly what the nazis did.
Enjoy the pictures but I also hope they bring a little emotion out of you.

SS headquarters

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Why did it have to end?!?

I'm sad that the trip has come to an end because I truly had the time of my life. Never in my life did I think that I would travel to Eu...