On our last day in Berlin, we went and saw Jewels at the Staatsoper. There were 3 main parts to it; Emeralds, Rubies and Diamonds. What I thought was interesting was that the Ballet was choreographed to fit to the music instead of having the orchestra be composed to follow the story of the ballet. I thought that the choreography for Rubies was definitely the most intriguing because it combined the styles ballet and jazz into it. Not to say it was bad at all, but it almost seemed like that one slightly weird rebellious sibling but for ballet. I think my favorite section, however, was Diamonds partially they were doing a bunch of cool moves and just seemed to have more of a story going on than the other 2. When it was ending I almost started crying because I thought they were so amazing and it made me miss the days when I used to do both ballet and jazz.
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