Austrian Alps from the Castle
City from the Castle
Part of the Castle as seen from one of its bastions
The next day we went to the Mozart Museum (in the house where he was born) and ate bread from the oldest bakery in Salzburg, which grinds its own flour using electricity generated by an actual water wheel. I also had Mozart chocolate (chocolate and marzipan) for the first time. It has to be some of the sweetest candy I’ve ever tasted (because of the marzipan—which I’ve never actually had before so I had no idea what it tasted like or whether I’d like it), but it was really good! If you don’t like really sweet things, you probably wouldn’t like Mozart chocolate, but to me it was awesome (I’m even eating one as I write this!)
And then we saw The Abduction from the Saraglio. This was a… really interesting performance. They used period instruments, but the actual opera/onstage part was really modern and had an interesting interpretation (the Pasha was basically like a director, and there were cameras shooting the action at times). Overall, it was pretty hilarious. I actually laughed out loud more than once, which I rarely do at live performances. My favorite part was when one of the characters (Pedrillo I think) actually said “Stay cool. Relax” like actual English words in the middle of an opera sung in German. I really loved Osmin because he was super angry and violent (and his man bun was hilarious), Pedrillo was also great, Blonde was so sassy I loved her, Belmonte was okay as a character but a good singer, and Constanza was a great singer, but I didn’t like the character or some of the acting she did. Pasha Salim was so weird (he like actually took his shirt off, tied himself up and then laid on the floor for a bit during a duet between Belmonte and Constanza and I was just like… Why?) I think overall it was enjoyable because of the comedy, but it was also really weird.
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