Tuesday, January 23, 2018


This post is hard to write let alone I’m sure hard to read. We went to the concentration camp Saschausen. We took a 4 hour tour and learned more information than I can even convey in this one post. We learned how the Nazis used the camp, how prisoners life went day to day. What the outside world was thinking and seeing at the time. How they couldn’t do anything because they would end up in a camp if they said or did anything. In this case I think pictures speak louder than words so I will leave it to the pictures to tell the story of today. I want to point out a few things in the pictures though. On the list of names number 4 is possibly a distant relative, he was a political prisoner and the document was found in the Jewish section of the camp. The art was painted by a Jewish man who helped produce nazi films so wasn’t a prisoner till the soviets took over then he painted the cartoons to show a childish view of how cynical the camp was. There were lots of soviet pictures such as the stained glass that showed the soviets coming in and encouraging the prisoners to liberate themselves which wasn’t actually what happened. Prisoners entered through the main gate that says “work will set you free” true for a time in this camp unlike some others, this was zone A. The mass extermination zone was called Zone Z as a sort of joke that prisoners entered through A and left through Z. In zone Z mostly soviet prisoners of war were killed at this camp.
The only things that softened the blow today was our tour guide reminded of my friend Reece back home. Same height, build, mannerisms, voice, peppy personality, and same job even (theater director). The other one was seeing our concert tonight of Sabine Meyer, a very famous clarinet player as well as a sax quartet and piano player.
So here are the pictures from today:

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Why did it have to end?!?

I'm sad that the trip has come to an end because I truly had the time of my life. Never in my life did I think that I would travel to Eu...