This trip has started of to a great bang! After a long flight from Seattle to Frankfurt, which lasted a little more than nine hours, we made it to Frankfurt! At least I was able to get some little 5 to 15 minute naps in, eat some food, write some music, and watch both of the Kingsman movies which are really great movies! Once we landed in Frankfurt, we then got on the quickest flight I have ever been on (an hour long flight). It really felt like we just went up in the air and then came down.
We then arrived in Austria I could not see anything! It was like I had returned to Washington because the fog was so thick! We got on a bus and then headed to the city and our hostel. The Wombat! But we couldn't move in yet..... because we were an hour early. So then stuffed all of our packs in a room and went to lunch. I had a cappuccino and a pizza which was not bad!
We then were able to move in and start exploring the city. I then headed out with Konner, Tomick, Aaron and just wanted to get lost. We just started walking and taking random roads until we crossed a bridge over the train tracks. We then continued and found a subway station and what happened there.... we are still not entirely sure. We headed down and went to one side of the tracks and started to wait for the train as the other train on the other side just arrived. We started to look closer at the signs and realized that we should be getting on the other train! The one that just got here and will be leaving very shortly! We then headed to the other side, but the train had just closed its doors. We then started to wait for the next train.... and waited... and waited.... but nothing came. The other train on the other side then came to the station and we decided to actually take that one because we were done waiting for the other one. A mass of people then came down from the above world to get on the subway and we had to quickly get through the crowd. But we still did not make the train. The next train then came and we got on. The an announcement came on that there was an accident and we had no idea what to do. We could even see the locals faces held that look of pure confusion. We decided to just use what God gave us, our legs. We were very glad we did because we then ended up in a beautiful cathedral.

The carvings, the stain glass windows, and the other pieces of art in this church were absolutely amazing! We walked into the church slightly expecting to be kicked out, but we weren't. Instead we were greeted by a silence I have only heard a few times before. It was heavenly! We walked around looking at the different parts of the cathedral and then sat down in the pews, taking in the peace of Gods house. It was reviving and rejuvenating for my spirit.
After the cathedral we headed back to our hostel to get ready for the first group meal at the Twelve Apostles Keller. The food there was absolutely amazing! I had a beer and some pickled pork which was so tender it just melted in my mouth. I then walked/took the subway back to the hostel and found that there was a bar/lounge downstairs, which my group I was with decided to just go down and check it out. It was a cozy place. But we didn't stay there long because our beds were calling us. And we could hear then loud and clear. But our lesson from our first day in Vienna......
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