Saturday, February 3, 2018

End Game Stats

First, a photo that was supposed to be apart of "Reflection". I received the photo late. 

At the Memorial for Murdered Jews in Berlin. PC Alex Schuster 

My concluding blog for this whirlwind of a trip will contain my "End Game Stats" 

Cities visited: 6 
Hostels stayed: 5
Hostels that I was unsatisfied with the shower: every one of them
Concerts viewed: 21.5 (I got sick and had to leave a concert)
Times saw Dudamel live in concert: ONCE AND IT WAS AWESOME
Meals eaten: 78 (according to math)
Meals consumed that involved sausage: At least 30 of those 
Times Powell said “Ooo sausage!”: 6
Times I tripped on stairs: 7
Times watched Paige trip over a seat: 2 
Times cried over a blog post in the Airport: Once (please click here to said blog post: 
Times the class almost got hit by a bike: Probably 5 times
Times Powell almost got hit by a vehicle: 6 known accounts separate from the above 5 incidents 
People who made it to the end of my stats: 2 (you guys are the real homies) 

All in all, a good tour. 

In all seriousness, I had an amazing time in Europe. This tour taught me a lot about myself, while cliche is true. I learned that I do in fact have good friends, that I enjoy classical music concerts but I also am not afraid to fall asleep if I am tired during the concert. I learned just how amazed I am at photography, at architecture, and pigeons (refer back to my post about pigeons). 

I also learned that anyone, no matter how nice, can be a sass master. 

I'm looking at you two Katie and Rachel (y'all still sweeties though)

This course was super well planned, as hectic as it felt. In 4 weeks we toured 6 cities with rich history, went to 22 concerts, had several planned dinners, went to many museums, and probably other stuff I am forgetting after yet, another 30 hour travel day (full circle). I know our class joked with him about not knowing where to go, he did am amazing job helping 22 young adults through confusing cities in languages he doesn't understand. Thank you Dr. Powell. 

(I can't believe I get an A for this)

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Why did it have to end?!?

I'm sad that the trip has come to an end because I truly had the time of my life. Never in my life did I think that I would travel to Eu...